Over 200 Birds Rescued in 2023

Over 100 Birds Released Back to the Wild in 2023

Two State Provinces Decree Parrot Trade Illegal

Political Action

We worked with the Governors of Maniema and Sankuru province to sign decrees that now make the parrot trade illegal in their jurisdiction. The decrees give legal basis to fine, disband, and imprison poachers.

OUR OBJECTIVE: to facilitate the signing of such decrees for every province and work with the national government to make the African Gray Parrot a totally protected species.


  • We are Educating local communities on protecting the parrot.

  • We are mobilizing communities in deterring poaching.

  • We are supporting law enforcement in restricting poaching.

OUR OBJECTIVE: to continue building partnerships with local communities to deter poaching and encourage the use of law enforcement to stop the parrot trade.

Parrot Rehabilitation

We are rescuing, caring for, and releasing parrots captured and victimized by poachers back into the wild.

OUR OBJECTIVE: to create facilities in other provinces to care for confiscated parrots and work to make the parrot trade illegal so fewer parrots need to be rescued.